Monday, January 6, 2025

New Year New Me

 Last year was fun but this year I'll try to improve myself. I'll try to be a better person and I'll work on achieving my goals. I have made my new years resolution list and I'll try to stick by them. First on the list is trying to earn money because i like to buy stuff, second, sleeping earlier, lack of sleep affects my performance at school so I'll try to sleep earlier, third, I'll try to have a more positive attitude, and last one is being a better person. I will try to achieve all these and become a better me.

My Christmas Story

 After the Christmas program, we travelled the next day to tallaoen, tagudin where my relatives from my mother's side live, that's where we spend our Christmas holiday. Me and my cousins played games, took joyrides around town and we went to another city to have fun. We helped in cooking meals and we killed and cooked a pig and goat, I accidentally cut my finger while chopping onions and at Christmas eve, we played games and sang song and lit fireworks on fire, after that we helped around the house fixing whatever needs to be fixed and we went home to go to school again

Celebrating Culture And History - KANNAWIDAN FESTIVAL

The Kannawidan Festival is an yearly event celebrated in Ilocos Sur, Philippines, in remembrance of the province's vibrant cultural heri...